Amputation System of Care (ASoC)

Veteran receiving treatment from the VA’s Amputation System of Care Service
CARF Accreditation of Amputation System of Care
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Amputation System of Care (ASoC) is pleased to announce that all 7 of the 7 Regional Amputation Centers and all 15 out of 15 original Polytrauma Amputation Network Sites have achieved the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) Amputation Specialty Accreditation. CARF is an international organization that provides accreditation services worldwide. According to CARF “providers that meet our standards have demonstrated their commitment to being among the best available.” There are currently 64 facilities across the United States that have achieved the amputation specialty accreditation status. Of these 22 or 34% are made up of VA Medical Centers. This accomplishment represents a milestone in the growth of the ASoC which is designed to provide the latest practices in medical care, prosthetic technology, and rehabilitation management for Veterans with amputations.
More information
- VA's Amputation System of Care:
- CARF accreditation: